Ready to relax this Easter?
Make the most of the long weekend.
Here are my tips to switch-off from work quickly.
Then you can enjoy time for yourself and with your friends and family.
Does it take you days to unwind at the start of a holiday? Then just as you feel relaxed, it’s time to focus on what you have to do when you get back to the office.
A lot of corporate leaders tell me just that. So when you only have a few days, like this weekend, how do you make the most of it?
I know there’s nothing worse than having to work when it’s your holiday time. When you work at the weekend, everyone around you puts up with it. But everyone misses out. Including you.
And not taking enough real breaks is counter-intuitive. Whether it’s 30 minutes at lunch, the weekend, or a longer holiday, taking real breaks is essential. By real break, I mean stopping work completely. Not thinking about work while you have a sandwich.
When you take a real break you:
– manage stress levels and the health consequences of sustained stress
– refresh your mind to work more effectively and open your mind to new solutions
– get to enjoy life more.
Here are 3 simple steps to help you have a real break this Easter:
Working mega hours so that you can switch-off at the weekend isn’t ideal either.
Take a good look at your list of things to do. Decide what is mission critical to complete by Thursday night. Delay everything else to next week.
When people ask for your time, weigh up if you have to do it this week. If not, agree with them to follow up next week.
Then you can go into the weekend knowing the essentials got done.
You may find yourself reflecting on these activities over the weekend. If you do, remind yourself they are complete. And choose to forget about them.
Before you leave the office on Thursday plan:
– the essential things to complete next week
– what you will do on Tuesday morning
Then you can give yourself permission to switch off for the whole weekend.
When thoughts of work come up, you can hit pause. Remind yourself they are on your action list. If you realise you missed something, make a quick note. And get back to enjoying yourself.
Whether it is having a relaxing coffee or spending time with family or friends, focus on that moment.
Relax, enjoy!
The rest can wait.
I wish you and your family a wonderful time this Easter.
Ps. If you are feeling the relentless pressure to do more, often with fewer resources, then you are not alone. If you would like to change that, maybe I can help. Click here to request your complimentary leadership consultation.